Founded in 1969, Reflections is an annual National PTA-sponsored art competition for grades PK-12. The goal of PTA's arts in education programming is to provide additional opportunities for all students to explore and be involved in the arts. Students submit their interpretation of the year’s theme in a category of their choosing and compete in one of three age groups: grade PK-2, grade 3-5, or Special Artists for students of all ages who have a disability and may be served by an IEP or 504.
All entries to Mitchell’s school-level competition will be showcased in Golden. Three Mitchell winners from each category in each age group will also have the opportunity to move on to the Jeffco district competition and possibly beyond to the State or National-level competitions. National Reflections winners are celebrated throughout the following year and can receive monetary scholarships.
The 2024-2025 Reflections theme is “Accepting Imperfection” and art works are due at Mitchell on Monday, October 21.
Interpretation: How closely the piece relates to the theme, based on the artwork itself and the artist statement. This is the most heavily weighted part of judging.
Creativity: How creative and original the piece is in its idea and its presentation.
Technique: The level of skill demonstrated in the basic principles/techniques of the arts area.
Choose a Category: Dance, Visual Arts, Literature, Film Production, Photography, Music Composition. Students can compete in more than one category, but only one entry per student per category.
Fill out student interest form here. This does not commit your child, it only helps us plan for judging and keeps you in the loop on deadlines and info on where to collect submission materials, and where to submit.
Read entry guidelines for your category.
Submit art piece and artist's statement. The statement should tell us about what the work means to your child and their inspiration written by your child. This artist statement is an important part of the submission and weighed heavily in the judging so please don't overlook this piece.
Help your child follow the rules and meet the deadline, but let the creativity be theirs and theirs alone.
Help make the program possible by volunteering! Contact below!
Mitchell Student Interest Form, 2024-2025 (first step!)
Student Packet, 2024-2025, which includes the Official Submission Form (must be submitted with the student’s art work) and Detailed Rules for each artistic category (these rules must be followed for the submitted art work to meet competition requirements)
One-page Reflections Program Summary
Prior years’ National award winners
Mitchell Reflections co-chairs: Elanor Sidman Lange, Dayna Dowdy, & Heather Klenske